“I have always been reluctant to have my manuscripts professionally edited. I was concerned that too many of my words would be changed or deleted, and also the cost would be more than I would want to pay. But something about Edie Tolchin's pitch convinced me that she was the editor to engage for my book, Hire Yourself, The Startup Alternative. What a pleasant surprise! I was given the option of accepting or rejecting each of her edits, and I only objected to one of the multitude she advised. Edie has a remarkable skill to point out expressions and words that are out of date; adjectives and adverbs that detract from crisp writing and sentences that fail in clarity. She will edit my next book. Finding Meaning, Purpose, and Self-actualization On Your Own, which will be published in the fall of 2021.”
-- Jack Lander, featured columnist for Inventors Digest, (https://www.inventorsdigest.com/articles/category/lander-zone/)“Edith G. Tolchin has been a valued friend and colleague of mine since 2004. She has vast experience as a published author and editor. Her editing of my first book was enormously helpful to me. She opened my eyes to countless mistakes in my manuscript and offered many practical suggestions for improvement. She provided a perspective that was totally foreign to me as a novice writer. There is much truth in the saying, “You don't know what you don't know." Having a professional editor like Edie review my manuscript was highly educational as she pointed out so many things which I was totally unaware were wrong including mistakes in grammar, punctuation, and formatting. I feel that my book is much better because of Edie’s editing. I highly recommend her services to all authors including those with experience.”
-- Joseph Yao, MD, author of Bug Out Bag Encyclopedia: Emergency, Disaster, Survival Preparedness, (https://amzn.to/3vlvvZ7)“New York Journal of Books has been fortunate to count Edith G. Tolchin as one of its distinguished reviewers since 2018. She brings the keen sensibility and intelligence of an accomplished memoirist to each expertly crafted and insightful book review. And, she modulates her beautiful writing so that it is pitch perfect whether reviewing a major celebrity memoir or a poignant one by a person less known conveying singular circumstance. Book reviews are read both for guidance in choosing a book or simply to learn something about the subject of a book and key takeaways. Ms. Tolchin always succeeds in conveying all of this. Sometimes this leads to reading a book you hadn’t planned to pick up.”
-- Ted Sturtz, Founder and Managing Partner, New York Journal of Books, (https://www.nyjournalofbooks.com/)“Edie is an experienced writer who thinks like a reader. Her work has accuracy, empathy, humor, and the kind of conversational tone that makes you feel like you're sitting at a table with her.
She is serious about deadlines and open to fine-tuning in her consistent quest for an optimal result. Although she has been writing for decades, she is easy to work with and excited about collaborating.“
-- Reid Creager, Editor-in-chief, Inventors Digest, (https://www.inventorsdigest.com/)“Edith G. Tolchin was instrumental in the preparation of the revised edition of my novel, Shavlan. Her assistance in editing and finding certain inconsistencies in the novel was extremely helpful. She brings to the table much knowledge and understanding based on her many accomplishments and life experiences, which she has used as fodder in her most recent, published novel, Fanny on Fire. It has been a pleasure knowing Edie Tolchin.”
-- Eunice Scherr Blecker, author of Shavlan, (https://amzn.to/36IM0T8)"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Edith for many years. She edited the chapter I submitted for Secrets of Successful Inventing, she interviewed me and featured my work in a trade magazine article, and we’ve worked together on presentations for some trade shows. She’s a very intelligent and creative professional who has helped me develop in many ways throughout my career."
-- Josh Wallace, (https://joshwallace.com/)"We at Square One Publishers had the pleasure of working with Ms. Tolchin when she served as the editor on our book, Secrets of Successful Inventing. Bringing together within one book the various views and experiences of fifteen of her fellow invention experts and entrepreneurs was something that Edie did for us with a minimum of fuss and a maximum of elan. We recommend her work very highly—and we also recommend that you check out her other great and very funny book, Fanny on Fire. It's a hoot!"
-- Anthony Pomes, VP-Marketing/PR/Rights, Square One Publishers, (http://squareonepublishers.com/)“I’ve worked with Edith G. Tolchin for many years. We worked together on Sourcing Smarts, and I contributed to her book, Secrets of Successful Inventing. I’ve also written 15 other books and was a columnist for Entrepreneur. I’ve always found that Edie’s editing and writing skills were at the same level as the top editors in the industry.”
-- Don Debelak, (http://www.onestopinventionshop.net/)Copyright 2022 - 2025 - All Rights Reserved